At our last TiDE meeting Arthur presented how you can use e.g. Snakemake for structuring the running of scripts, making it easier, quicker and more reproducible. Especially important to keep everything organized the more complex structure you have or if you share it with someone else.
IVA’s 100 list 2024
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) annually presents a list of 100 research projects in Sweden that are considered to have the potential to be commercially developed or benefit society in other ways. This year, Emma Hammarlund’s project studying the isotopic fingerprint in hair during cancer was one of five projects at the Medical Faculty at Lund University to be chosen for the list. Congratulations!
You can read more about this at the IVA website or at the Medical Faculty website (both are in Swedish).
2024 Stem Cell Center Retreat
On September 30th and October 1st, we enjoyed of the annual Stem Center Retreat in Båstad, where we were able to attend to interesting talks from different organizations and core units from the center, as well as from some principal investigators. Emma gave a talk entitled “Origins of the multicellularity and the traces it leaves behind” in the PI Talks session, which was very well received by the audience. Sofie explained all the work they are doing in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) Committee and illustrated us with their updates and future actions, together with Nick Leigh.
Another important event was the nomination of Elina’s first author recently published paper “MOXD1 is a lineage-specific gene and a tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma” for the Article of the Year Award. Really exciting and such an honor to be among the three finalists! So proud of her!
Several members of our group contributed to the poster session, sharing the projects we are working on and getting very interesting feedback from other participants.
Also, we could join some really stimulating workshops regarding many different topics such as sustainability, work – life balance and scientific narrative. Besides being able to enjoy the great installations of the hotel and the spa, having a wonderful time with other members of the center.
See you next year!!
PhD half time review: Stina
On the 22nd of August, Stina successfully carried out her half time review of her PhD thesis titled “The embryonic origin(s) of childhood cancer”. Congratulations to Stina!
Reviewers were Helena Linge and Sandeep Gopal.
Paula wins the Euro 2024 prediction competition
We continued with our tradition to organize prediction competitions for major sporting tournaments and Paula took first place in predicting the UEFA Men’s European Football Championship 2024! Congratulations to Paula!
Perrine passed on the magnificent trophy as last year’s winner of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023.
Paper alert!
Our work identifying trunk neural crest gene MOXD1 as lineage specific and a tumor suppressor in childhood cancer form neuroblastoma is now out in Science Advances! Read it here:
Congratulations to everyone for the hard work!
What night science is and how we can practice it
On April 29th, we organised a workshop on what the concept of Night science is, with theory and practical exercises. We were joined by Kasper Karlsson and his group from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and of course our facilitator Eva Sophia Myers. It was a rewarding day where we got to know new people, scrutinise our projects and learn how to think about our science from a bigger perspective and how we can come up with ideas that goes beyond the everyday science.
Searching for a postdoc position? Look no further!
We’re looking for a postdoc fellow that is excited about science, enjoys working in a team, and finds the process of discovery thrilling!
In this project, you will use chick embryos, patient tissue material and omics data to investigate how hotspot mutations in susceptibility genes affect healthy embryogenesis, organ formation and initiation of the endocrine tumor form paraganglioma!
Mini-symposium in Vienna
In December, Perrine and Sofie joined a mini-symposium in Vienna for invited groups, discussing how the field jointly can enhance neuroblastoma research by using pluripotent stem cell models. The research presented and discussions were fantastic, and completely focused on collaborative efforts. This is why we are in science!
(The Christmas markets and Austrian punch was a very nice side-effect)
Sofie wins the Researchers Grand Prix!
After winning the regional contest, Sofie competed in the national Researchers Grand Prix 2023 final, and won after jury points and votes by the audience! The Grand Prix format is to present your research in under 4 minutes and during that short time convince a jury of 3 people (1/3 of final score) and an audience of 350 high school students and general public (2/3 of final score) that you did the best job.
Read more:
Elina wins prize for best poster!
Congratulations to Elina for winning the prize for best poster at the annual Stem Cell Center retreat in Båstad, with the motivation of nice and clear poster, good presentation skills and lots of engagement! Lots of credit also to Stina who designed the poster.
TiDE kick-off!
On September 15th, TiDE gathered for an Autumn kick-off starting with a workshop on group dynamics together with external consultant, continuing with games and bbq. The weather was on our side, and it was a great afternoon and evening!