On September 15th, TiDE gathered for an Autumn kick-off starting with a workshop on group dynamics together with external consultant, continuing with games and bbq. The weather was on our side, and it was a great afternoon and evening!
Perrine wins FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023!
Well actually, Perrine won the (almost as prestigious) TiDE betting competition for FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023. Congratulations!
Last year, Stina won the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022 betting competition and the trophy has now been passed on to Perrine.
ISEMPH 2023 conference
Emma and Anuraag both attended this years ISEMPH conference, in Irvine, California. Anuraag held a symposium titled “Novel Perspectives on Cancer: Ecology, Evolution, and the Environment” and also presented his work he’s done with Sofie and Stina: “Models of Resistance in State-Structured Neuroblastoma Populations”. Emma also gave a talk in this symposium, called “Coping with chemical fluctuations – ancient, fundamental, and possibly lost”.
New paper out!
Lab postdoc Sinan recently had his paper accepted! He scored and analyzed a tissue microarray of tumors from a Swedish cohort of paraganglioma patients. He could see that one of our favourite proteins, HIF-2a, is non-canonically expressed in the cytoplasm in these tumors. He also shows that presence of cytoplasmic HIF-2a functions as a biomarker to better diagnose and characterise patients with virtually untreatable metastatic paraganglioma. The paper includes a protocol for how to include HIF-2a as a diagnostic marker in the clinic, an advancement we hope will aid in tumor classification and choice of treatment regimens.
Congratulations to Sinan and Paula, and to all of us for the opportunity to celebrate (with Kir Royale)!
Philippa defends her MSc thesis
Congratulations to Philippa, who on the 1st of June successfully presented and defended her MSc thesis, “A human-chick chimera to study neuroblastoma”, receiving the highest grade “Pass with distinction”!
Sofie and Guadalupe were her supervisors and Philippa will now continue working with us as a laboratory assistant, continuing with the project.
Tom presents at the SCC Next Gen seminar series
On the 31th of May, it was time for Tom to give a presentation for the Lund Stem Cell Center Next Gen seminar series: “Exploring HIF-2 alpha in neuroblastoma”.
Elina presents at the SCC Next Gen seminar series
On the 5th of April, Elina gave a presentation for the Lund Stem Cell Center Next Gen seminar series: “MOXD1 is a gate-keeper of organ homeostasis and function as a tumor-suppressor in neuroblastoma”.
Tom receives Cancerfonden grant
Big congratulations to Tom for receiving the Cancerfonden 3-year postdoc position! In total, 31 researchers were awarded grants from Cancerfonden during this round, and only 4 others at Lund University.
The title of Toms project: Exploring hypoxia and other mechanisms responsible for neuroblastoma progression.
You can read more here (in Swedish).
Announcement of two open postdoc scholarships
We now have two postdoc scholarships open for applications, one in Mohlin lab and one in Hammarlund lab. To apply, follow the instructions in respective pdf!
Mohlin lab: Human pluripotent stem cells to study childhood cancer
Hammarlund lab: Spatial Chemical Mapping of Normal and Transformed Tissue
Chris presents at the SCC Next Gen seminar series
On the 8th of March, Chris gave a presentation for the Lund Stem Cell Center Next Gen seminar series: “Pseudohypoxic Signalling in the Poly Aneuploid Cancer Cell State Promotes Treatment Resistance”.
GRC Neural Crest and Placodes conference
Sofie, Stina and Guada attended the GRC Neural Crest and Placodes conference in Tuscany, Italy, last week. Stina was chosen for oral presentation and gave a fantastic talk on our project on MOXD1 in neuroblastoma. Well done!
Celebrating a successful year with Christmas lunch!
Yesterday we met for Christmas lunch with the theme of ‘Ugly Christmas sweater’. There were lots of good candidates, but the winner of the prize for ‘most ugly sweater’ was Sinan. He was awarded with a fantastic Christmas ornament!
We also handed out a beautiful trophy to the winner of our internal league for predicting the outcomes in the Men’s football world championship. Stina won this prestigious award, that will of course be handed over to the winner of the next prediction league in upcoming championships.
It was a nice closure to a successful year for TiDE with oral and poster presentations at several conferences, publications and prestigious grants. We’re looking forward to continue this during 2023!