About us:
TiDE consists of two research groups at the Medical Faculty of Lund University, Sweden:
Molecular Evolution, at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, with PI Emma Hammarlund.
Molecular Physiology, at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund, with PI Sofie Mohlin.
The research areas are different for the two groups, but converge on the topic of how multicellularity arises – how multicellular lifeforms, such as animals and plants have evolved, and how tumor multicellularity is initiated in cancer.
So, we decided to start working together! We share ideas, experience, methods, equipment and resources within the groups.
In the top you can click your way to each group to find out more about our fascinating research, and if you click on the blue “Tissue Development ad Evolution” box you can see our latest posts.
If you want to contact us there are contact forms for each group on their respective group pages.