Group members

Sofie Mohlin

PI, Associate Professor in Molecular Physiology.
Originally from Sweden (Strängnäs).

MSc in Biological Engineering from Lund Faculty of Technology, Sweden.
PhD in Molecular Medicine from Lund University, Sweden.
Post-doc with Professor Marianne Bronner at California Institute of Technology, US, and at the department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University.

Interests in the lab:
Discuss science, come up with new ideas and writing up manuscripts with the (transient) feeling of completion. I relax by spending time at the microscope doing in ovo electroporations.

Interests outside the lab:
Enjoying sunshine in the shadow, swimming (not the exercise version), reading books – everything from young adult to scientific stories, feel-good and literary master pieces. I also love running (the exercise version, sometimes achieved by chasing my kids when they’re on their bikes) and yoga.

Link to Lund University Research Portal


Niklas Engström

Laboratory engineer.
Originally from Sweden (Gothenburg).

BSc in Business Administration from School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
MSc in Biological Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
PhD in Biology and Biological Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

Interests in the lab:
Learning new methods and solving problems.

Interests outside the lab:
Indoor climbing, running and jumping the trampoline with my kids.

Link to Lund University Research Portal

Photo of Niklas Engström.

Marina Mazariegos

Laboratory engineer.
Originally from Spain (Segovia).

BSc in Biochemistry from Complutense University in Madrid (Spain).
MScin Research in Immunology from Complutense University in Madrid (Spain).

Interests in the lab:
Being able to participate in several projects, learn different techniques and try my best to have the lab organized and running for everybody.

Interests outside the lab:
Watching and discussing classic films, reading fantasy books, dancing tap dance (or at least trying to), swimming and having a beer with friends.


Stina Andersson

PhD student.
Originally from Sweden (Växjö).

MSc in Biotechnology from Lund University, Sweden.

Interests in the lab:
Understand and interpret biological data with the help of bioinformatics. Learn about neuroblastoma and other cancers. Problem solving.

Interests outside the lab:
Dinners with friends and family. Cooking. Hiking and traveling.

Link to Lund University Research Portal

Photo of Stina Andersson.

Elina Fredlund

PhD student.
Originally from Sweden (Staffanstorp).

MSc in Management
MSc in Molecular Biology from Lund University, Sweden

Interests in the lab:
Neuroblastoma development. Chick embryo anatomy and physiology. That feeling when everything makes perfect sense

Interests outside the lab:
Dinners with friends and family. Traveling and running.

Link to Lund University Research Portal

Photo of Elina Fredlund.

Sinan Karakaya

Originally from Turkey.

MSc in Molecular Medical Microbiology from University of Nottingham, the U.K.
PhD in Biology from University of Duisburg-Essen and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany.

Interests in the lab:
Investigating the role of HIF2a deregulation and/or mutations in the initiation and development of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.

Interests outside of the lab:
Going out with friends and family. Craft beer tasting. Reading the classics. Watching movies and series.

Link to Lund University Research Portal

Photo of Sinan Karakaya.

Perrine Burdeyron

Originally from France

BSc in animal physiology, University of Lyon, France.
MSCs in cardiovascular, metabolic and nutritional regulation, University of Lyon, France.
PhD in Molecular and cellular biology, University of Poitiers, France.

Interests in the lab:
Discuss sciences and discover new methods. Understand, and interpret biological data. I also have an interest in the study of stem cells and cell culture.

Interests outside the lab: 
Spending time with friends and family. Travelling and discover new area and doing Hiking and yoga. I like doing scientific communication (podcasting, biological drawing…). 


Anja Zethraeus

MSc student in Molecular Biology at Lund University
Originally from Gothenburg, Sweden.

BSc in Biomedical Science from De Montfort University in Leicester (UK)

Interests in the lab:
Understanding cancer mechanisms on both a small and larger scale, making figures and graphs, working with cells, figuring out how to solve a problem.

Interests outside the lab: 
Reading, sewing, cooking, spending time with friends and family, exploring a new city, re-watching old TV-series, music festivals, and swimming in the sea.

Anja Zethraeus portrait photo.

Alba Barragán Pereira 

BSc in Biochemistry, Castilla La-Mancha University, Toledo, Spain.

Originally from Huelva, Spain.

Interests in the lab:
Learning to work in a research laboratory, discovering new methods, and knowing how to interpret the obtained results.

Interests outside the lab:
Reading, traveling to different countries, skiing, doing ballet, watching series, and going out with family and friends.



  • Pleun Jornick (the Netherlands, MSc student)
  • Özgür Rubar Altin (Turkey, Medical trainee)
  • Zana Stirn (Slovenia, MSc student)
  • Inés Sanz Díaz (Spain, BSc student)
  • Tomas Gregor (Czech Republic, Postdoc)
  • Lisa Schmidtbauer, MSc (Austria, Erasmus student)
  • Philippa Revstedt, MSc (Sweden, Laboratory assistant and MSc student)
  • Manon Ferreira (France, MSc student)
  • Silvia Moreta García (Spain, BSc student)
  • Guadalupe Àlvarez-Hernan (Spain, postdoc. Now Associate Professor at University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Camilla Niklasson (Sweden, PhD student. Now Account manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific)
  • Paula Martos Salvo (Spain, MSc student and lab assistant. Now PhD student in the Hammarlund group)
  • Enya Kubitzky (Austria, Erasmus master student)
  • Sacha Gentner (France, Erasmus master student)
  • Ophélie Not (France, Erasmus master student, now PhD student)
  • Laura Solé (France, Erasmus master student)
  • Enrika Miltenyte (Lithuania, MSc student and lab assistant. Now Inside Sales Representative at MaxCyte Inc.)
  • Emma Magnusson (Sweden, MD student. Now clinician at Lund University Hospital)
  • Marie Cabirol (France, Erasmus master student)
  • Estelle Lecomte (France, Erasmus master student)
  • Michail Kyknas (Greece, now scientist at Lonza, Switzerland)
  • Annika Maretic (Sweden, MD student)
  • Johanna Christensson (Sweden, summer student)