Auraya’s thesis defense!

This week we’ve had a very exciting event: Bee’s thesis defense! After all her hard work, finally this day came and we were able to share it with her. She presented her work “Tracing chemical alteration in cancer cells and tissues”, defended through the Department of Experimental Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University. Her presentation reflected her dedication to the project, successfully published in several competitive journals.


As the opponent for the discussion, we had the pleasure of having Klervia Jaouen, coming from the Géosciences Environnement (CNRS) in Toulouse, France. We enjoyed a very dynamic debate between Klervia and Bee, where we could learn more in depth from Bee’s work.


After a short round of questions from the committee members and their following deliberation, they were happy to announce the positive result of the defense, as we all expected. Congratulation, Bee!!!


Afterwards, it was a pleasure to celebrate the occasion, having some food and drinks to toast Bee and congratulate her once again!


We are so proud of you, Bee!! And looking forward to see what you’re able to do in the future!

February 28, 2025

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One comment

  1. Worapat Sawatwong

    On that day, my favorite PhD student was no more… But now, my new favorite Dr. has arrived!

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